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I'm a first-time International Customer, why do you need so much information from me?
Wayne R. Dempsey
All International orders over a certain size require us to have a copy of the Credit Card to verify that you actually have it in your possesion, and a copy of your ID. These two things are the same that would be presented in a retail location (credit card and valid ID). It is not unreasonable for us to request a faxed copy of this information in order to confirm that you are the actual cardholder.

We cannot confirm International credit cards in the same manner that we can confirm US domestic cards. The entire risk of the transaction falls on us. If you decide to dispute the charge and say you never placed the order, or never received it, then there is absolutely nothing we can do (for International card). If we have a faxed copy of your credit card, then it is one additional indicator that you are the actual card holder. In fact, our credit card company recommends that we do this for all transactions, regardless of whether they are US or International. But this is not practical in most cases, and with the added protections for the US, then this also not necessary.

The other option is to do a wire transfer. We require this on large International orders, because again, we don't have any protection against rampant International credit card fraud.

Credit card fraud is a serious crime which raises prices for everyone. We have put these protections in place to make sure that law abiding customers don't subsidize the illegal efforts of a few criminals.

Again, this applies only to large orders and/or first time International customers. Once we have an established, working relationship with you, these concerns become moot.